Curacao Environmental Statistics Compendium
- Publisher:
- Central Bureau of Statistics ( WTC Building )
- Type:
- serial
- Source Institution:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Genre:
- serial (sobekcm)
“...spo ts left with natural vegetation , sufficiently large to be mapped. The area has been mapped as urban / indu strial / agricultural, which points to an enormous expansion of human activities, such as urbanization, industrialization, and development of tourism...”
Curaçao Environmental Statistics Compendium 2017
- Publisher:
- Central Bureau of Statistics ( WTC Building )
- Publication Date:
- Januari, 2019
- Type:
- serial
- Source Institution:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Genre:
- serial (sobekcm)
“...any spo ts left with natural vegetation , sufficiently large to be mapped. The area has been mapped as urban / industrial / agricultural, which points to an enormous expansion of human activities, such as urbanization, industrialization and development of tourism...”
Curaçao Environmental Statisitcs Compendium 2015
- Publisher:
- Central Bureau of Statistics
- Publication Date:
- Januari, 2017
- Type:
- serial
- Source Institution:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Genre:
- serial (sobekcm)
“...hardly any spots left with natural vegetation sufficiently large to be mapped. The area has been mapped as urban/industrial/agricultural, which points to an enormous expansion of human activities, such as urbanization, industrialization and tourism development...”
Curaçao Environmental Statisitcs Compendium 2016
- Publisher:
- Central Bureau of Statistics ( WTC Building )
- Publication Date:
- maart ,2018
- Type:
- serial
- Source Institution:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Genre:
- serial (sobekcm)
“...spo ts left with natural vegetation , suf ficiently large to be mapped. The area has been mapped as urban / industrial / agricultural, which points to an enormous expansion of human activities, such as urbanization, industrialization and development of tourism...”
Curaçao Environmental Statistics Compendium 2018
- Publisher:
- Central Bureau of Statistics ( WTC Building )
- Type:
- serial
- Source Institution:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Holding Location:
- Central Bureau of Statistics Curaçao
- Genre:
- serial (sobekcm)
“...any spo ts left with natural vegetation , sufficiently large to be mapped. The area has been mapped as urban / industrial / agricultural, which points to an enormous expansion of human act ivities, such as urbanization, industrialization and development of tourism...”